Call for Submission: Hexagram@ Campus Exhibition, Ars Electronica 2018

Every year since 2002, Ars Electronica and the University of Art and Design Linz has hosted an exhibition curated by an international higher-education institution whose curriculum takes an innovative approach to teaching media art and media culture. Part of the Campus’ Exhibition’s mission is to enable the presentation of emerging media artists and their work with international exposure.

This year, Hexagram, the largest Quebec (and Canadian) research-creation network in media art, design, technology and digital culture, will host the Ars Electronica Campus Exhibition. The exhibition will be held from September 5th to 10th, 2018. This is the first time that Quebec will have major institutional representation in the festival through the Hexagram network, which brings together 5 major universities (Concordia University, Université du Québec à Montréal, McGill University, Université de Montréal, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi), along with 5 cultural organizations from Montreal, and 7 international partners from 5 continents. Moreover, this event will be the first large-scale Hexagram collective exhibition to bring together the works of its members. This year’s edition is coordinated by a Hexagram team overseen by the programming committee and assistant curator Anna Kerekes.

This call is open to research-creation projects of Hexagram members, and mainly addresses the works of its students. Collaborative works will be privileged, either among Hexagram members or with external collaborators.

Proposals can take the following forms:

  • completed work (e.g., visual installations, sound performances, interactive videos, virtual reality, textiles, interactive objects, etc.)
  • ongoing projects or projects at prototype stage (e.g., a prototype and a documentation video, research models and diagrams, photos of experimentation and an ethics form, etc.)
  • documentation of a work or a project (e.g., videos, photos, books, etc.)

As such, proposals may be articulated in a critical or artistic way around one or more of the three Hexagram axes:

Call for submission now closed
Timeline and Procedure

Please submit your proposals by completing the online form before MARCH 30, 2018.

A committee of evaluators comprised of Hexagram members will examine the proposals during the first two weeks of April. The selected works will be announced immediately after the jury deliberations.

The committee will consider the relevance of the proposals focusing on the research-creation approaches they put forward as well as how they demonstrate the diversity of different research-creation practices taking place within Hexagram.

Due to strict timelines with Ars Electronica, all researchers-creators whose proposals are accepted will have to submit the final version as well as the technical rider of their work by May 1. Be aware that the work, the ongoing project or the documentation must be completed and ready to ship by August 1.

Proposals that are accepted for the Campus exhibition will be transported by Hexagram to Ars Electronica (Linz, Austria). Hexagram will not be responsible for the production costs of the work.

A delegation comprised of Hexagram students and faculty members will be present on-site for the final installation of the works. Travel costs will not be automatically funded for the installation of the works, however, letters of support may be provided to endorse researchers’ grant applications.

Marine Theunissen
Campus Project Coordinator

Call for submission now closed

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