Deux personnes assises regardent une projection de lignes rouges, oranges et bleus sur un mur incliné. La projection se reflète sur une surface miroir. La surface et la salle de projection sont faites sur le long, comme un corridor.


As part of the project La créativité au-delà de l’humain en art et en science, a partnership between Hexagram and Passerelle Arts Sciences Technologies, a delegation of co-researchers, students and collaborators from the Hexagram Network will participate in residency, networking and knowledge dissemination activities in Toulouse, France at the beginning of June.

A Quebec Delegation in Toulouse

From June 5th to 12th, the Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès will host a Quebecois delegation for its Summer School, made up of ten members of the Hexagram Network. Among them, co-investigator and student members from Université du Québec à Montréal and Concordia University will participate in research activities on Toulouse soil. Together with their French collaborators, the delegation will take part in residencies in two scientific laboratories and in the colloquium “La création au-delà de l’humain : Métabolisme spéculatif entre arts et sciences”, which aims to bring together knowledge related to projects in the arts and sciences.

Research-Creation in Arts and Sciences Projects and Franco-Quebec Cooperation

As a reminder, research-creation includes “all research approaches that promote creation and aim to produce new aesthetic, theoretical, methodological, epistemological or technical knowledge” (Fonds de recherche du Québec). Under the theme “La création au-delà de l’humain”, this time it’s robotics, biotechnology and applied mathematics that combines creation with science.

At the INRAE Occitane-Toulouse Centre and the Laboratory of Systems Analysis and Architecture (LAAS) of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), creativity will be practised in the fields of agroecological sciences and engineering.

“The art-science dimension, or more broadly research-creation, reveals a wealth of new knowledge that needs to be explored. The presence of the Hexagram Network, as well as their contribution to numerous events during their stay, will provide an opportunity to pursue this rapprochement, which is both desired and eagerly awaited by French researchers.”—Frederick Garcia, Research Director, INREA.

The interdisciplinary approach made possible by the partnership between the arts and the sciences is leading to unprecedented advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, and the production of biomaterials. This kind of collaboration comes at a crucial time for the development of socio-ecological technologies and the ethical issues surrounding them.


Université du Québec à Montréal

Sofian Audry, Professor,
École des médias*

Louis-Claude Paquin, Professor,
École des médias*

Nicolas Reeves, Professor,
École de design*

Vincent Cusson, PhD*

Concordia University

Alice Jarry, Associate Professor,
Design and Computation Arts*

Bart Simon, Associate Professor,
Anthropology and Sociology*

Jacqueline Beaumont, Master’s Degree*

Gabrielle Simard, Bachelor’s Degree*

Philippe Vandal, Master’s Degree*


Edwige Armand, Educator and Researcher, INP Purpan

Yves Duthen, Professor,

Frédérick Garcia, Research Director,

Tez Maurizion Martinucci*,
Artist and Independent Researcher

Christope Vieu, Research Director,

*Hexagram member

This France-Quebec collaboration is supported by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of International Relations and Francophonie (MRIF), the Consulate General of France in Quebec City and the Conseil franco-québécois de coopération universitaire (CFQCU). LAAS and INREA are members of the Passerelle Arts Sciences Technologies.

Cette publication est également disponible en : Français (French)