Conférencier distingué 13 – Charles Spence

Gastrophysiques : les nouvelles sciences de la table

Conférence publique
16 octobre 2015 de 18h à 20h

Qu’est-ce que le repas parfait? Chacun se rappelle d’au moins un repas particulièrement mémorable. Pour certains, c’est peut-être quelque chose d’aussi simple qu’un pique-nique dans un champ ou un poisson-frites au bord de la mer. Pour d’autres, c’est peut-être l’expérience d’aller une fois dans sa vie dans l’un des meilleurs restaurants Michelin au monde. Quels qu’en soient les détails, une expérience aussi exceptionnelle ne tient pas uniquement à la nourriture. Dans cette conférence, je soutiendrai que, bien au-delà de ce que l’on croit normalement, une expérience gastronomique hors du commun dépend davantage de tout «le reste ». L’expérience est influencée par des facteurs allant de notre humeur à la présence de nos convives, de l’environnement sensoriel dans lequel nous mangeons et buvons jusqu’à la présentation des assiettes, du service de table et des couverts.

Je donnerai un aperçu de recherches émergentes en gastrophysique qui tentent de cerner l’importance de ces différents facteurs dans notre perception et notre appréciation de ce que nous mangeons.

Je présenterai des exemples récents et saisissants de collaborations dynamiques entre chefs, concepteurs.trices et scientifiques dans le domaine du sensoriel qui ont mené une pléthore d’expériences gastronomiques immersives, expérientielles (possiblement expérimentales) et indéniablement multisensorielles. Finalement, je démontrerai en quoi la quête du repas parfait aurait le potentiel de favoriser des interventions pour aborder, même modestement, la crise de l’obésité croissante. Je soulignerai aussi en quoi cette quête contribue à produire une réflexion qui nous convaincra peut-être, d’adopter dans les décennies à venir, une alimentation plus durable à base d’insectes…

Pendant cette conférence, le public aura l’occasion de goûter à une sélection d’aliments hors du commun.

« Au moins une fois dans la vie de tout être humain, qu’il soit une brute ou une jonquille frémissante, arrive un moment de satisfaction gastronomique totale. Il s’agit, j’en suis convaincue, autant d’une question qui relève de l’esprit que du corps. Tout est parfait; rien n’est discordant. Il existe une sorte d’harmonie où chaque sensation, où chaque émotion se fond dans un accord de bien-être. »

– M.F.K. Fisher, « The Pale Yellow Glove » (traduction libre)

1515 Sainte-Catherine Ouest
Amphithéâtre York
EV 1.605/1.615

Neuroscience-Inspired Multisensory Design

Public Seminar in English
Friday, October 16, 2015, from 1-2:30pm

In this seminar presentation, I want to highlight the exciting new field of research that goes by the name of neuroscience-inspired multisensory design. This approach to design is built on the latest insights emerging from the field of cognitive neuroscience concerning the multisensory nature of human perception. That research is increasingly showing just how interconnected our senses really are. What this means, in practice, is that changing what something looks like can change what it feels like; it can also help to explain why adding a certain fragrance to a piece of clothing can make it appear whiter, or seem softer.

After summarizing some of the surprising ways in which the senses interact, I will go on to illustrate with a number of case studies how the neuroscience-inspired approach to design can, and in some cases already is, being used to improve the design of everything from the food we eat to the environments in which we live. I will go on to summarize some studies carried out at the Crossmodal Research Laboratory in Oxford concerning the multisensory approach to fashion design, detailing work on enhancing the appeal of Augmented Reality clothing displays. I will also summarize the results of the Lab’s research into how changing the sound of items from fabrics to high heels can dramatically change our experience of what we are wearing/evaluating. I will conclude by surveying some recent trends in the multisensory approach to the design of public space from retail to restaurant.

Concordia University
1515 Sainte-Catherine West
EV 11.705

Crossmodal Correspondences and the Aesthetic Imagination

Public Seminar in English
Saturday, October 17, 2015, from 11:00-12:30

“Are lemons fast or slow?”; “Is carbonated water round or angular?”; Most people agree on their answers to these questions. These are examples of correspondences, that is, the tendency for a feature in one sensory modality, either physically present or merely imagined, to be matched (or associated) with a feature, either physically present or merely imagined, in another modality. Crossmodal correspondences appear to exist between all pairings of senses, and have been shown to affect everything from people’s speeded responses to their performance in unspeeded psychophysical tasks. While some correspondences are culture-specific (e.g., the correspondence between angularity and bitterness), others are likely to be universal (e.g., the correspondence between auditory pitch and visual or haptic size). Intriguingly, some animals, such as chimpanzees, as well as young infants, appear to be especially sensitive to certain crossmodal correspondences. In this talk, I will discuss a number of the explanations that have been put forward to account for the existence of crossmodal correspondences. I will also examine the relationship between crossmodal correspondences and sound symbolism, and tackle the thorny question of whether crossmodal correspondences should be thought of as a kind of synaesthesia that is common to us all. Finally, I will invite the audience to ponder the implications of this experimental research for our understanding of synaesthesia in the arts (e.g. Baudelaire’s poem “Correspondences,” or the paintings of Francis Bacon, Wassily Kandinsky, or possibly even those of Arthur Dove).

Concordia University
1515 Sainte Catherine West
EV 11.705


Professor Charles Spence heads Oxford University’s Crossmodal Research Laboratory. His interests lie in trying to apply the latest insights concerning the multisensory nature of human perception to the real world, in everything from the design of food and packaging, to car warning signals and handheld technologies. He has worked with a number of the world’s top chefs, including Heston Blumenthal (The Fat Duck) and Ferran Adriá’s research kitchen at Rosales, Spain. Currently he is collaborating with the next generation of modernist chefs, with molecular mixologists, chocolatiers, culinary artists, designers, and composers on multisensory experience design.

Much of Prof. Spence’s research lies at the interface of modernist cuisine and commercial food and beverage design. Over the years, he has worked with many of the world’s largest food and beverage companies/brands, including PepsiCo, Unilever, Diageo, Pernod Ricard, McDonald’s, Starbucks, Twinings, Molson Coors, Unilever, Mars, and Neal’s Yard Dairy.

Prof. Spence is an expert in the field of multisensory perception and neuroscience-inspired design. Over the last decade, he has published more than 600 articles as well as authoring and editing 8 books, including the The perfect meal, together with Betina Piqueras-Fiszman in 2014. He directs the Crossmodal Research Laboratory at Oxford University’s Department of Experimental Psychology, and has been awarded a number of national and international prizes for his research. Prof. Spence is a passionate advocate of the application of the latest insights from experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience to the design of better-tasting, more stimulating, more memorable, and healthier food and drink experiences – an approach that comes under the banner of gastrophysics.

Event curated by David Howes, Director of the Centre for Sensory Studies



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