Soft, deformable robotics do not respond to the geometry or the control systems of traditional, hard and articulated robotics. How to elaborate such flexible and active objects while taking into account their materiality, their modalities of action as well as their particular aesthetics and symbolism? To address this question, participants will experiment with different techniques (Nitinol, gel, bioplastic, …) including pneumatic systems for which air is as much a vector of deformation as a breathing resource. This medium will be explored in relation to membranes, in close collaboration with the module “Bio-inspired flexible membranes and adaptive surfaces”. This approach aims more broadly to rethink our ways of inhabiting the world, in a renewed relationship with the environment.
Raphaëlle Kerbrat
Anna Schaeffner
Matthew Halpenny
Philippe Vandal
Don Undeen
Isabelle Sallas

Samuel Bianchini is an artist and teacher-researcher. He lives and works in Paris. His works are regularly exhibited in Europe and around the world. In relation to his artistic practice, Samuel Bianchini has undertaken a theoretical work that gives rise to frequent publications. After defending his doctoral thesis and his habilitation to direct research, he is now a teacher-researcher at the École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (EnsAD – Université PSL, Paris) where he directs the Reflective Interaction research group of EnsadLab and where he is also co-director of the Arts and Sciences Chair set up with the École polytechnique and the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation.
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