La Grande Écoute 2025

GRMS Series as part of the Montreal/New Musics Festival (MNM)

Conferences, Concerts and Exhibition

February 21 to March 1, 2025
Various schedule

(see program details)

French and English


Agora du Cœur des sciences
Université du Québec à Montréal
175, Président-Kennedy av.
Tiohtià:ke | Mooniyang | Montréal H2X 3P2 
Located in the inner courtyard behind the Président-Kennedy Pavilion
Metro Place-des-Arts.
Bus 55, 80 
Universal access

The Groupe de Recherche sur la Médiatisation du Son (GRMS) presents the fourth edition of La Grande Écoute in two major events.

La Grande Nuit is also back, featuring musical performances and extraordinary installations that explore the thousand nuances of sound under an immersive dome with 32 speakers.

Discover the events of this series

  • CONFERENCE | Images of Music

    • CONCERT | La Grande Nuit

      • EXHIBITION | diaphanous

      • A production of the GRMS (Sound Mediation Research Group), in collaboration with matralab, Hexagram-UQAM, the Société de musique contemporaine du Québec, and the Montreal/New Musics Festival.

        Cette publication est également disponible en : Français (French)