Future Imaginary Lecture – Kim Tallbear

Disrupting settlements, sex and nature: An indigenous logic of rationality

October 14 2016, 6H30 PM – 8H30 PM

Hexagram is proud to support Jason Lewis in the organisation of Dr. Kim Tallbear’s talk as a part of the Future Imaginary Lecture series.

We live in an era of decimation dubbed the “anthropocene.” Settler-colonial states such as the US and Canada disproportionately consume the world. As we reconsider violent human practices and conceive of new ways of living with Earth in the face of a feared apocalypse, we must interrogate settler sexuality and family constructs that make both land and humans effectively (women, children, lovers) into property. Indigenous peoples—post-apocalyptic for centuries—have been disciplined by the state according to a monogamist, heteronormative, marriage-focused, nuclear family ideal that is central to the colonial project. Settler sexualities and their unsustainable kin forms do not only harm humans, but they harm the earth. I consider how expansive indigenous concepts of kin, including with other-than-humans, can serve as a provocation for moving (back? forward?) into more sustainable and just relations.

Amphiteatre York, EV 1.605
1515 rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest
Montréal, Qc H3G 2W1
Métro Guy-Concordia

Événement gratuit et ouvert au public.
L’activité se déroulera en anglais.


Future Imaginary Lecture Series is organized by the Indigenous Futures research cluster of Milieux’s Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology. The series is supported by the Initiative for Indigenous Future Partnership, Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace, and the University Research Chair in Computational Media and the Indigenous Future Imaginary.



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