Parcours et substances sonores du vivant
Conferences, performances and workshops
November 29 & 30, 2024
6: 30 to 10 PM
In French and English
Mezzanine of UQAM’S Agora du Cœur des sciences
175, ave du Président-Kennedy
Tiohtià:ke | Mooniyang | Montreal H2X 3P2
Situated in a small courtyard, behind the Président-Kennedy Pavilion
Metro Place-des-arts. Bus 55, 80
Universal access
Titled “Paths and Sonic Substances of the Living,” this new edition of the series “Sound Arts and Transduction of Genres” presents a suite of performative lectures and acoustic experiments exploring the intermedia dimension of sound’s modes of existence through the notion of “the living.”
Whether of microbial, cognitive, active origin, or even composed of particles or waves, various material entities vibrate, resonate, respond to one another, listen, and sometimes sense each other, forming interrelations.
How do the notions of intersection, contamination, or transmutation of “the living” integrate into the sonic and musical approaches of research-creation?
The projects presented here reflect this fertile intersection of emergences, which not only enables transduction between different interpretations of “the living” but also its manifestations within the imaginary. These explorations will be showcased at Hexagram through works presented during two days of actions and discussions.
Internationally renowned researchers and creators from Canada, France, and the United States will come together to present performative sound actions and engage in dialogues on September 29 and 30, 2024, on the mezzanine of the Agora at UQAM’s Coeur des sciences.
An event by André Éric Létourneau* for the laboratory Musiques cachées : écouter la diversité sonore.
Friday, November 29
6: 30 PM | Dorah Simon Claude* (FR)
Zoosonic (installation)
7: 00 PM | Sandeep Bhagwati* (CA)
The Sound of Misunderstanding – Dhvanivala’s Sonic Explorations (performance)
8: 10 PM | Aisen Caro Chacin (USA/VE/ES)
Sound and Medicine: Tethered – An Opera (performance lecture)
8: 50 PM | Adam Zaretsky (USA)
Hereditary Noise: Inelegant Evolution – Literary Bioinformatics Studies through Sonic Bioart (performance lecture)
9: 30 PM | Discussion
Sarturday, November 30
6: 30 PM | Dorah Simon Claude* (FR)
Zoosonic (installation)
7: 00 PM | Sylvie Ferré (FR)
Poésie action et poésie sonore: anarchives du Festival Polysonneries et autres événements sono-temporels (conference & discussion)
8: 00 PM | Magali Babin (CA)
Atelier électrolumineux, joyeux, ludique, et noisy (performance – workshop)
8: 30 PM | Tommy Davis, Kasey Pocius et Vincent Cusson* (CA)
eTu{d,b}e (concert)
8: 30 PM | Adam Zaretsky (USA)
Pharmacie octogone (performance lecture)
9: 00 PM | Aisen Caro Chacin (USA/VE/ES)
Ex-futurista Post-Materialidad Experimental (performance)
+ Discussion + mini party

Off Event
Friday, November 22
8: 00 PM | Nathalie Baroud*
La femme et la figure d’art
Hexagram-UQAM’s Experimentation Studio, Local SB-4105, UQAM
Technical Coordination : Vincent Cusson*
Partners : Hexagram-UQAM, UQAM’s École des médias, FRQSC, Radio Bloc Oral, CKUT-FM and Radio Bellevue (Lyon).
*Hexagram Members
Cette publication est également disponible en : Français (French)