Date limite : 08.29.2024, 23 h 59

ELEKTRA and the Hexagram network are jointly launching a call for submissions aimed at student members of the Network. The selected projects will be exhibited in 2025 at the ELEKTRA Gallery, located in the Mile-End, Montreal.

Objectives of the Call

The Hexagram-ELEKTRA partnership aims to encourage exchanges between practice-based and academic communities. The ELEKTRA Gallery creates a space conducive to aesthetic and discursive research through digital artistic production. Consequently, this program values experimental or critical research-creation projects and supports the development of emerging artist members of the Network.

Learn more about the ELEKTRA Gallery

Submission Requirements

  • Your CV (max. 3 pages)
  • A description of the project (max. 500 words)
  • Your research-creation approach (max. 500 words)
  • Technical sheet of the work
  • A maximum of 10 images or 3 video links documenting the project
  • A floor plan

Incomplete submissions will not be considered. All elements of the submission must be submitted in a single PDF to the following address:

Deadline: August 29, 2024, 11:59 PM (Montreal time)

Selection Criteria

From an equity, diversity, and inclusion perspective, submissions will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • The artistic quality of the project.
  • The feasibility of the project.
  • The intersectionality between arts, cultures, and technologies.
  • The progress of the project relating to the trajectory of the member.
  • The selection committee is composed of representatives from ELEKTRA and co-researcher members of Hexagram.

The selection committee consists of representatives from ELEKTRA and co-researcher members from Hexagram.

Exhibition Conditions

  • Hexagram provides a $1000 grant to support the exhibition of the project.
  • The selected person can agree to an agreement to borrow equipment from one of the Network’s partner establishments.
  • ELEKTRA offers professional technical assistance for installations and limited high-quality equipment.
  • ELEKTRA will organize an opening event and coordinate communications around the exhibition.
  • ELEKTRA may cover the cost of transporting the works to and from the site, subject to approval.
  • The presentation  of works containing audio content will be done exclusively through headphones.

Additional Information

The ELEKTRA Gallery is located at the Pôle de Gaspé at 5445 avenue de Gaspé, #104, in Montreal.

View the gallery floor plan.

For any questions regarding this call, please contact Hexagram at

Past Projects

2024 | Cristo Riffo, Constellations
2022 | Timothy Thomasson, Slow Track
2022 | Juliette Lusven, Exploration.135, visions transatlantiques

Photo : Mike Patten / Exhibition Led Flavin de Oli Sorenson, 2019

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