New Educational Tool for 3D Simulation of Auditory Hallucinations, Co-Created with Voice Hearers: Pilot Study with Psychiatry Residents

Kevin Zemmour, Laurie Pelletier, Sandrine Rousseau, Serge Tracy, Catherine Lejeune, Alain Berry, Sofian Audry, Kevin Whittingstall, Sylvain Grignon & Philippe-Aubert Gauthier

Santé mentale au Québec, Volume 49, Numero 1, Spring 2024


This pilot study evaluates the impact of a 3D voice simulator on the empathy of psychiatry residents to better understand the auditory hallucinations experienced by patients with schizophrenia.

Co-created by a multidisciplinary team, the simulator uses binaural technology. Twelve residents tested the tool for 15 minutes, and their empathy was measured before and after the experience using the JSPE© scale.

Although 83.3% of participants found the simulator useful, no statistically significant improvement in empathy was observed. The results encourage larger-scale studies to evaluate its effectiveness.

Photo : cover of Santé mentale au Québec

Published on October 10, 2024

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