Hexagram-UQAM is launching its call for projects for winter 2021. The deadline to submit a proposal for a residency or group activity isnovember 2nd, 2020.

This call for contributions is the gateway to support for research-creation offered by Hexagram at UQAM. It aims at optimizing the use of shared equipment, space and technical support in accordance with the material and personal resources available.

It is comprised of the following components :
⋅ Residency Program
⋅ Organization of collective activities

General Terms and Conditions
⋅ Support is limited to equipment loans, space preparation and basic technical assistance. It does not include ongoing support from staff. Additional costs of intensive training or coaching will be charged to applicants according to the salary rates that comply with the
conditions in effect for UQAM personnel.
⋅ Needs should be analysed and planned as much as possible with the help of the coordinator before the application is submitted.
⋅ Next deadline : November 2, 2020.
⋅ Information :

⋅ Fill out this form to submit a project.

⋅ Context of COVID-19: The conditions for carrying out projects may be modified according
to the health directives in force at UQAM.



Specific goals and objectives
⋅ Support the development of research-creation projects for regular members, collaborators and students, particularly in the experimentation, implementation, dissemination and documentation phases.
⋅ Plan and optimize the sharing of resources offered at the UQAM Hexagram site.
⋅ Recognize and promote the research-creation activities of the Hexagram network and its site at UQAM.

Eligibility requirements
⋅ Research-creation projects of one or more regular members, collaborators or students must be part of Hexagram’s mission and programming.
⋅ Projects submitted by student or collaborating members must be supported by a regular member of Hexagram.
⋅ Student members’ projects are admissible only during the period of the research block of their program of study .
⋅ The application form must be submitted before the deadline by the regular member supervising the residency.

Criteria for prioritization
⋅ Relevance in relation to Hexagram’s mission and programming.
⋅ The completeness, consistency and clarity of the request.
⋅ Feasibility according to the proposed timetable, the skills involved, the resources requested and the funding that has already been obtained.
⋅ The number of regular members, collaborators and students involved.
⋅ The impact or visibility of the project in the academic or cultural community.
⋅ The development of a research and creation environment that promotes equity, diversity and inclusion.

Specific terms and conditions
⋅ The duration of residencies is two consecutive weeks during the semester covered by the call (12 consecutive days from the first Monday to the second Friday).
⋅ The same project may be submitted more than once for other residency applications in subsequent semesters calls for projects, if terms and conditions of previous residencies have been respected. The submission of a new form updating the project’s progress is required for each call for projects in the following semesters.
⋅ The application may also be submitted in advance for the other two semesters following the current call period if a production or presentation deadline has already been confirmed in writing (attach the confirmation to the form).
⋅ In order to manage the workload of technical staff, occupancy of premises and sharing of equipment, the residency schedule will be determined by coordination, taking into account as much as possible the dates proposed in the applications.
⋅ They can lead to the design, organization and logistical planning of an in situ or off-site activity with technical staff (e.g. filming, shows, exhibitions, concerts, etc.).
⋅ A public presentation should conclude each residency or be organized later in conjunction with the coordinator to report on the results and process.


Specific objectives
⋅ Support group activities between regular members, collaborators and students such as symposia, conferences, research meetings, concerts, shows, exhibitions, workshops, seminars, training, etc.
⋅ Plan and optimize the resource sharing offered at UQAM’s Hexagram site.
⋅ Promote the research-creation activities of the Hexagram network and its site at UQAM by promoting opportunities for members to meet with the academic and cultural communities and the general public.

Eligibility requirements
⋅ Applications are for the research-creation activities of one or more regular members, collaborators or students as part of Hexagram’s mission and programming.
⋅ Projects submitted by student members or collaborators must be supported by a regular member of Hexagram and submitted by him or her before the deadline.

Criteria for prioritization
⋅ Relevance in relation to Hexagram’s mission and programming.
⋅ Feasibility according to the envisaged timetable, the skills involved, the resources requested and the funding already obtained.
⋅ The coherence and clarity of the request.
⋅ The number of regular members, collaborators and students involved.
⋅ The impact or visibility of the project in the academic or cultural environment.
⋅ The regional, national or international scope.
⋅ The development of a research and creation environment that promotes equity, diversity and inclusion.
⋅ Group activities will have priority over residential periods when scheduling.

Specific terms and conditions
⋅ The target duration of the activities is one to five consecutive days.


Fill out this form to submit a project.

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