ISEA2020 Online – Over 40 Hexagram members will participate

For its first ever online edition, organized in Montreal by Printemps numérique, ISEA2020 will welcome over 350 presenters, of which over 40 are Hexagram researchers, student researchers and member collaborators who will partake in 20 paper presentations, panels and a workshop, as well as artwork exhibitions. Several of our researchers will present interuniversity and international research collaborations.


 The very first Montreal edition of the International Symposium for Electronic Arts, in 1995, had a strong impact on our cultural, academic and media arts landscape, as recalled in these interviews with Gisèle Trudel, Yan Breuleux and Jean Dubois.

In 2020, ISEA will be dedicated to examining the resurgence of sentience—feeling-sensing-making sense—in recent art and design, media studies, science and technology studies, philosophy, anthropology, history of science and the natural scientific realm—notably biology, neuroscience and computing. We ask: Why sentience?  Why and how does sentience matter? Why have artists and scholars become interested in sensing and feeling beyond, with and around our strictly human bodies and selves? Why has this notion been brought to the fore in an array of disciplines in the 21st century?

The questions raised within and around this theme are related to the practices and research of several of our members, who were part of the organization of ISEA2020 and of the international programming committees, namely Christopher Salter and Alice Jim (both from Concordia University) co-chair the academic and the artistic committees respectively. Other Hexagram contributors to the organization include:

Artistic Committee: Sofian Audry (UQAM), Cheryl Sim (member collaborator from Phi Foundation);

Academic Committee: Louise Poissant (UQAM), Bart Simon (Concordia Univesity);

International Programme Committee and Artistic Jury: Alanna Thain (McGill University), Aleksandra Kaminska (Université de Montréal), Alexandre Castonguay (UQAM), Jean Dubois (UQAM), Ricardo Dal Farra (Concordia University), Jonathan Sterne (McGill University), Alice Jarry (Concordia University), Barbara Clausen (UQAM), Yan Breuleux (NAD- UQAC), David Howes (Concordia University), Nicolas Reeves (UQAM), Louis-Claude Paquin (UQAM),  Manuelle Freire (UQAM), Philippe-Aubert Gauthier (UQAM), Monika Gagnon (Concordia University), Fenwick McKelvey (Concordia University), Samuel Bianchini (collaborator from École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs – Université PSL), Alain Thibault (collaborator, ELEKTRA Montreal).

Here are Hexagram members programmed at ISEA2020. the details for each presentation are available on the symposium website*:
* ISEA2020 is open to registered delegates only (deadline for registration is September 30). 

Session from 10: 15 to 11: 45 am, chaired by Marc-André Cossette (UQAM)
Paper presentation
Open-source Sentience: the Proof is in the Performance by Joseph Thibodeau and Ceyda Yolgörmez (Concordia University)  ;
Paper presentation
NEO//QAB: Creating a World Through Speculative Play by Rilla Khaled (Concordia University) with Samuelle Bourgault (University of California Santa Barbara) ;  
Paper presentation
Data Pollution Devices: Artistic Strategies Against Behavior Capture by Christa Sommerer (collaborator member) and César Escudero (University of Art and Design Linz, Department of Interface Cultures) ;
Session from 12 am to 1: 30 pm, chaired by Louis-Philippe Rondeau (UQAC-Nad) :
Artist Talk
Sensing across Entities: Global Urban Wilds and Environmental Storytelling by Tony Higuchi and Jill Didur (Concordia University) ; 
Special session
Cosmologies Group organized by Czegledy Nina (collaborator member), Navab Navid and Kite Suzanne (Concordia University) ; 

Session from 1:30 pm to 2 pm:

Paper presentation
Aural Soilscapes: sensory challenges in a subterranean world by Sandra Volny (Sound and Space Research) with Ruth Schmidt (INRS).


Panel presentation from 8:30 to 10 am
Who is Speaking? Art-science Stagings of Nonhuman Sentience including Sofian Audry from l’UQAM, with Edwige Armand (INP Purpan), Frédérick Garcia (INRA Toulouse) and Maurizio Martinucci (Optofonica, Pays-Bas) ; 
Panel presentation  from 2:45 to 5:15 pm
Sensory Entanglements: Decolonizing the Senses including Chris Salter, Suzanne Kite, David Howes and Florencia Marchetti (Concordia University) with R E A Saunders (The University of Queensland) and Jennifer Biddle (University of New South Wales) ;
Panel presentation from 5:30 to 7 pm
Queering Infrastructure: The System Through the Erotic with Antonia Hernandez (Concordia University), Joel Ong (York University), Kathy High (RPI) and Stephanie Rotenberg (SUNY Buffalo) ; 
Session from 8:30 to 10 am
Institutional presentation from the Montréal organisation Molior, by Aurélie Besson (UQAM) ;
Institutional presentation UQAT research & creation in new media institutional presentation by Jean-Ambroise Vesac (UQAT) ;
Institutional presentation Image Fest2020 by Felipe César Londono (Collaborator member Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Colombia) ;
Session from 2 to 3:30 pm
Institutional presentation Transforming Paradigms (ArtEnvironment) by Ricardo Dal Farra (Concordia University) ;

Session from 8:30 to 10 am
Paper presentation
Odorama V2: Prototyping Touch-Smell Synesthesia to Promote Neurocognitive Empathy by Aleksandra Kaminska with Géraldine Piguer (Université de Montréal) ;

Session from 10:15 to 11:45 am

Paper presentation
Playing with Emotions: Biosignal-based Control in Virtual Reality Game Project H.E.A.R.T. by Erin Gee (Université de Montréal) and Sofian Audry (UQAM) with Alex Lee (Clarkson University) ;
Session from 12 am to 1:30 pm
Paper presentation
The Barbican Totem, by David Howes (Concordia University) ;
Paper presentation
Designing Technology for a Symbiosis Between Natural Systems and Information Infrastructure, by Matthew Halpenny (Concordia University) ;
Panel presentation  from 12 am to 1:30 pm, chaired by Orit Halpern (Concordia University)
Sentience in the Context of Operative Images by Guillaume Pascale, Jean Dubois, Alexandre Castonguay, Alice Jarry and Nans Bortuzzo from l’UQAM and Concordia University ;
Panel presentation  from 2 to 3:30 pm
Machine Learning as Material: Research-création Approaches to Behavior and Imagination par Sofian Aubry and Suzanne Kite (Concordia University) with Ben Bogart (Simon Fraser University), Stephanie Dinkins (Maryland Institute College of Art) and Stephen Kelly (Michigan State University). 

Artist Talk Dissipative Topologies 1.0 | Standing Waves by Nima Navab (Concordia University) ;



Workshop from 6pm until midnight
Dynamics of Perceptions – Engaging with the felt experience of temporally dynamic algorithms by Chris Salter, David Howes, Alexandre Saunier and Joseph Thibodeau (Concordia University)

  • Garnet Willis, Allison Moore, Alice Jim, Florencia Marchetti, Suzanne Kite (Concordia University)
Cynthia Noury (UQAM); Yan Breuleux (UQAC-NAD);


Photo © Guillaume Pascale

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