November 2022
VIVARIUM 3 Les arts vivants et l’intelligence artificielle : solidarités synthétiques, coopérations expérimentales
The VIVARIUM 3, dedicated to the junction between artificial intelligence and performance art from a research-creation perspective, was released on November 22, 2022. Co-edited by Sofian Audry [co-investigator member, UQAM] and Julie-Michèle Morin [student member, UdeM], the Vivarium is motivated by the desire to think about the interactions, collaborations and possible cooperations between artificial intelligence systems (algorithms, robotics, deep learning, artificial neural network, etc.) and artistic performance.

With multimodal contributions from Marine Theunissen, Audrey Rochette and Petra Gemeinboeck, Justine Emard and a roundtable discussion with Louis-Philippe Demers, Erin Gee, Alexandre Saunier, Marine Theunissen, Sofian Audry and Julie-Michèle Morin.
Read it here.
Banner image: Symbiotic rituals © Justine Emard : Adagp 2019 – avec Alter 2 et Alter 3 (ikegami – Ishiguro Lab)

L’Extension R&C is an open access digital publication platform dedicated to research-creation and creative processes in the performing arts, associated with the magazine Percées. It is divided into four sections: Vivarium, dedicated to thematic files; Ruche, dedicated to R&C laboratories and explorations; Récits de pratique d’artistes, dedicated to artists’ practices; and Échappées, dedicated to free essays.
Cette publication est également disponible en : Français (French)