LASER 4 Artificial intelligence & transdisciplinary arts

October 6 2017
EV Building Concordia
1515 Ste-Catherine W. 11th floor

Join Milieux and Hexagram in celebrating the 50th anniversary of Leonardo and the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology with an afternoon of presentations and moderated discussions about the current uses of artificial intelligence at the intersection of research and artistic creation.

The program is a co-presentation of Leonardo, Milieux, and LASER Hexagram-Montreal (Event co-chaired by Nina Czegledy, Ricardo Dal Farra (LePARC Cluster) and Gisèle Trudel).

Participants in this afternoon-long program include Dr. Roger Malina, head of the University of Texas at Dallas’ ArtSciLab which supports collaborations between scientists and artists, and executive editor of Leonardo Publications at MIT Press; Dr. Christa Sommerer, a media artist, pioneer of interactive art, and head of the Interface Cultures Master’s program at the University of Linz, Austria; Dr. Louise Poissant, Scientific Director of the Fonds de recherche du Quebec Société et Culture and former professor of media arts at UQAM; Dr. Sofian Audry, a new media artist and assistant professor of new media at the University of Maine at Orono; and a performance of a composition by Dr. Sandeep Bhagwati, professor of both music and theatre at Concordia University.


1 p.m. –
Keynote address by Christa Sommerer – “Interactive Art – Between Participatory Strategies and Interaction Design”

2:45 p.m. –
L.A.S.E.R. Montreal panel discussion with Roger Malina, Louise Poissant & Sofian Audry

5 p.m. –
Musical performance “17 Miyagi Haikus” by Sandeep Bhagwati (LePARC Cluster), performed by Felix del Tredici, Joseph A. Browne, Tamar Tabori & Amber Downie-Back on bass trombone and electronics followed by a cocktail

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Leonardo 50 Years celebrations : Christa Sommerer Lecture
L.A.S.E.R. MTL Discussion : Artificial Intelligence and Transdisciplinary Arts
Leonardo 50 years celebrations : Musical performance

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