September 2021
Fragments: Poetics of Otherness is an audiovisual performance for human performers and autonomous computer processes. The work reflects on how data processing Artificial Intelligence systems anonymize and aestheticize human conflicts. In a short video presentation, the artists discuss the aesthetic, technical, and reflexive aspects of the work. They present their creation process, the role of technologies in their creative decisions, and the modes of cooperation they develop with autonomous computational processes.
Presented as part of the Hexagram Network Garden at the Ars Electronica Festival 2021
Alexandre Saunier is a inter-disciplinary artist who works at the intersection between light, video, autonomous systems, and sensory perception. He holds a master in sound design from the ENS Louis Lumière (Paris), and participated in research in robotic design and interactive lighting at the ENS Arts Décoratifs (Paris). He is now pursuing a research-creation PhD program at Concordia University in which he develops the concept of “performative lighting” at the intersection between lighting design, media arts, and Complex System theory. His artistic work and academic research has been presented and published in various international venues such as Mutek, Ars Electronica, Impakt Festival, MuffatHalle, Bcn_llum, Toronto’s Nuit Blanche, or Media Art History.
Marc-André Cossette is a Canadian trans-disciplinary artist working on the relation between technology and performing arts using sound, visual, and interaction design. Marc-André holds a BA in Interactive Media and a Master’s in Experimental Media (UQAM). He is now pursuing a PhD program at Concordia University in which he explores the use of Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life algorithms to create generative dance performances. In addition to his research-creation practice, Marc-André has collaborated with several artists as a sound, visual, interaction, and stage designer. He is also the co-creator and co-host of the REC podcast series on research-creation produced in collaboration with and the Hexagram Network.

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