Hexagram x ELEKTRA – MATERIA : Calls for participants and mediators


MATERIA, will bring together, over three consecutive days, local and international artists, creators, scientists, researchers and professionals from the artistic and cultural sectors. Invited guests and visitors, along with a team of mediators, will also participate in this arena of creation and knowledge sharing at the intersections of art, design, science, and multiple forms of knowledge and forms of knowing.

MEDIATION: Hexagram has opened 3 paid positions to be part of the team of mediation to visitors and invitees to MATERIA.

  • Tasks for this position:
    • Welcome members of the public, students, invitees, and groups and accompany visitors in the space of MATERIA ;
    • Introduce clusters’ themes and animate exchanges with visitors and participants ;
    • Read the documentation about each custer and participants’ bios ;
    • Participate in a preparatory meeting on September 7 ;
    • Note visitor impressions and comments.
  • Duration of contract : 21h
    • 15 hours of mediation at ilôt Balmoral (from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day of the workshops)
    • + 5 hours : preparation (including reading and meeting of September 7th);
    • + 2 hours : compile visitor impressions and commentaries;
  • Hourly rate is determined according to the student employee salary scales in place at UQAM.
  • Call deadline: September 1
  • Send CV and email about your interest in taking on this position at coordination.hexagram@gmail.com

PARTICIPATION: The organizers invite expressions of interest in joining a cluster of their choice.

  • Cluster initiators will select participants and will ensure diversity of expertise and knowledge, gender and cultural diversity in the constitution of each group.
  • Those interested in participating in a cluster must be available for the duration of the activity : September 8-9-10, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • The presence of participants from this call is on a voluntary basis: Participation is free and no remuneration or compensation is offered by organizers.
  • In an effort to meet our goal of dissemination and transfer of knowledge and practices about the processes of creation and research that lead to artistic production and innovation, the Labo Public will be documented (photo, audio-visual, podcast). Participants must agree to have their presence communicated, documented, shared and archived. Consent forms for documentation and dissemination will be sent in advance.
  • Call deadline: This call is now closed.


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