Submit an activity

Submit an activity

All hexagram members can submit activities and receive support from the network
Activities can either be sponsored or co-produced by the network


In light of the recent FRQSC mid term review, we are re-evaluating our funding structures and programming procedures. We are currently suspending the receiving of proposals for the 2017-2018 program of events and will inform the membership after meeting with the executive committee.

Sponsorship aids activities initiated and fully organized by members. These activities should be pertinent to Hexagram’s research axes. Hexagram provides sponsorship exclusively in the form of minimal funding, meaning no coordination or logistics support. Space and equipment needs are also the member’s responsibility.

Up to $1500 may be requested from Hexagram.

  • There must be at least one Hexagram member (ideally more) from across the network initiating and participating in the event.
  • Application forms should be received ten business days before the programming committee meets.
  • After the event, a short report is required. It should summarize outcomes, and include dissemination materials and photographic documentation.

Co-production events must follow the core type of programming events that Hexagram has developed. For more information on the activities organized by Hexagram, please visit the Activities page.

Working in close collaboration with the member(s) in charge of the project, Hexagram will assist with coordination, technical direction, documentation, and communication support, in accordance with Hexagram’s dissemination criteria and calendar. For this type of activity, Hexagram contributes financial support for the total amount of $5000 in the form of project coordination, technical direction, documentation of the activity, honorariums, travel, accommodation, and hiring students as research assistants. There must be at least one Hexagram member (ideally more) from across the network initiating and participating in the event. Before submitting a proposal, a meeting with Hexagram’s coordinator is required.

  • Co-production activities must take place in Montreal.
  • Application forms should be received ten business days before the programming committee meets.
  • Your application will not be considered if you have not yet produced the final report for a previous activity of which you were a producer or co-producer.