Digital creation, dissemination and mediation through new immersive spaces.
The MIMESIS laboratory (NAD-UQAC) and Hexagram are preparing 3 lunch-meetings to bring together creators, researchers, experts and students, who will present their work and initiatives on modalities of artistic creation, dissemination, and mediation through the new virtual and immersive spaces.
The meetings will take place on May 13th, May 27th and June 10th from 12 to 2pm.
These open sessions invite organizations, communities of practitioners and researchers to share recent projects or work in progress and to exchange know-how and new best practices, in particular approaches developed by means of digital technologies to create and exhibit works and artistic experiences in the context that we are currently traversing.
Faced with the physical social distancing imposed throughout this past year, creators had to devise – often to improvise – new work processes and dissemination strategies. The (im)material conditions of production and exhibition, as well as the urgency to acquire new skills suddenly accelerated learning curves, prompted distributed collaborations, and instigated new modalities of presentation. Although digital creation is well-anchored in the landscape of Montreal’s art, cultural and creative industries, the “frame” [le cadre] of these creations is once again being probed. During these three lunch-meetings, we will examine the new “out-of-frame” objects that emerged in the 2020-20XX context: creative works that no longer correspond to a specific genre or discipline, to a space, a type of institution or a designated audience. We will discuss digital, virtual and online interpretations of pre-existing projects, new ways for experiencing digital creations, case-studies of access and interactions enhanced by new technologies, and other forms of aesthetic experimentation.
This call invites emerging and established researchers and creators to submit their work (completed or in progress) for presentation and discussion. Different formats of presentation are accepted:
Live online presentations, in the form of demos, of a maximum duration of 10 minutes / 20 minutes if works presented are by a group or a collective.
5-minutes long videos can also be submitted for presentation by those who are not able to attend at the dates, or prefer this format to present a demo and be present for Q&A.
Each session will begin with a presentation (20 to 30 minutes) of a project by a representative of a cultural organization or the creative industries. The sessions will conclude with Q&A and feedback on selected student projects.
Access the proposal form here.
Deadline for submitting proposals via the form: March 31, 2021 at 11:59 pm.
Questions can be sent to
*Accepted proposals by Hexagram regular and student members can benefit from support to prepare media and documentation of their work through the DEMO program, which aims to support the network members’ outreach activities and the dissemination of research-creation.
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