Uncommon Senses II: Art, Technology, Education, Law, Society – and Sensory Diversity

An invitation from David Howes

The Centre for Sensory Studies is putting on a major conference this coming May. “Uncommon Senses II: Art, Technology, Education, Law, Society – and Sensory Diversity” its called. Here is a link to the conference website, where you can read up on the theme and peruse the 60+ abstracts that have already been accepted.
Uncommon Senses II Abstracts

Caroline Jones (Architecture, MIT), editor of Sensorium (2006), Experience (2016) and author of The Global Work of Art: World’s Fairs, Biennials and the Aesthetics of Experience (2016), among other works, will be giving a keynote address on Thursday May 3 at 6:00 pm.
Caroline Jones

Two full days of papers, art installations and occasions to delight your senses will follow.

In collaboration with Hexagram, we have reserved up to nine 30-minute spaces (15 minutes for your presentation, 15 minutes for discussion) for Hexagram researchers and students to present their research. This call goes out to those associated with the Performance, Senses and Embodiment axis in particular, but all are welcome to submit. Please respond by February 28, 2018.

You are kindly asked to fill in the following information, and send it to senses@concordia.ca

Institutional affiliation:
50-100 word bio
Title and 150-200 word abstract of paper
Five keywords

We look forward to receiving your abstracts.

Note: The registration fee ($180 regular; $90 students) has been waived for Hexagram members, and the keynote address is free regardless.