Hexagram Network – 20th anniversary In 2021, Hexagram celebrates its 20th anniversary. The network was created in 2001 to support collaborative research-creation projects amongst its […]
Sofian Audry becomes co-director of the network, taking over from Jean Dubois. On June 1st, 2021, Sofian Audry (Professor at the École des médias – […]
On September 25, Sophie Cabot, a student member of the Hexagram network, launched her website: Tresser les voix (Weaving Voices), which includes her experiments carried […]
Congratulations to Dali Wu who wins a Bronze Award at the 2020 edition of the annual Japan Illustrators’ Association (JIA) competition. A member of the […]
Congratulations to the collectif KHUBE, a team composed of master’s degree students in digital creation from UQAT, Hexagram members, who won, on June 15, the […]