LASER 12 – Ecology and Technology: Creative Approaches in Architecture, Art, Engineering and Philosophy  

LASER 12 Hexagram Montréal (Leonardo Art Science Evening Rendezvous)
Co-Chairs Nina Czegledy et Gisèle Trudel

Round Table
Wednesday November 9, 2022, 5:30 p.m. – 7 p.m.

École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
Agora de la Maison des étudiants
1220 Notre-Dame Street West (corner of Murray Street)
Bonaventure Metro station. Buses: 36-168-61-420-107
Tiohtià:ke | Mooniyang | Montréal H3C 1K5

In French
Free Admission

Come take part in a novel conversation between students and researchers whose practices span the fields of art, architecture, engineering and philosophy.

How to think together ecology and technology? The objective of the round table is to go beyond dualities, to open anew thinking and agency processes to societal and environmental challenges that are constantly growing. What roles can the senses, the digital, built environments, sensors and person-machine interaction play? In the gathering of the participant’s practices, devices, artefacts, gestures, and physical environments question these concerns. In a spirit of sharing, this event promises to be stimulating by bringing together actions and reflections under productive tension.

The roundtable stems from a study day with the participants held at the Fondation Grantham pour l’art et l’environnement and a special collaboration with the Programme d’intégration des arts et de la culture (PIAC) of École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS).


– Anne Despond, graduate student*, Design de l’environnement, UQAM
– David St-Onge, engineer and professor*, Département Génie mécanique, ÉTS
– Erin Manning, philosopher, artist and professor*, Studio Arts/Cinema, Concordia University
– Gisèle Trudel, artist and professor*, École des arts visuels et médiatiques, UQAM
– Ivanka Iordanova, professor, Département Génie de la construction, ÉTS
– Laure-Charlotte Côté, student, Cégep de Drummondville
– Ludovic Duhem, artist, philosopher and teacher, École supérieure d’art et de design (ÉSAD), Valenciennes, France
– Narimene Midoune, doctoral student, Building information modeling (BIM) and the sustainability of the built environment, ÉTS
– Nicolas Reeves, artist and professor*, École de design, UQAM

(*Hexagram member)

Organizing committee

Bernard Landriault, Claudel Lauzière-Vanasse, Daniel Forgues, Gaëlle Scali, Gisèle Trudel, Jason Pomrenski, Michel Paradis, Sara Courcelles.


With the support of Consulat général de France à Québec, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Fondation Grantham pour l’art et l’environnement, Groupe de recherche en intégration et développement durable (GRIDD-ÉTS), Hexagram, Research-creation Network in Art, Culture and Technology and MEDIANE, Canada Research Chair in Arts, Ecotechnologies of Practice and Climate Change.

LASER (Leonardo ArtScience Evening RendezVous) by Leonardo/The International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (ISAST) is an international program that brings together artists, scientists, humanists and technologists for informal presentations, performances and conversations with audiences. LASER’s mission is to contribute to the cultural environment of a region by fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and community development opportunities in more than 40 cities around the world.

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